CEO Secrets
Read my blog, CEO Secrets, for the latest tips and information to help you and your business succeed.

Five Financial Tips You Should Implement Straightaway
Last week’s energy price cap announcement felt, for many, like the tipping point for financial anxiety as the grimmest predictions about energy costs were confirmed – and met with silence from government figures. But there are actions which are within your control. Here are five financial tips you can implement straightaway.

Why Women-Led Businesses Fare Better Following A Recession
Why is it that women-led businesses fare better following a recession? Are their businesses more likely to be in industries which are in high demand once the economy returns to growth? Or are they more effective leaders with a larger appetite for growth? Here’s everything you need to know.

Should You Cost Cut Your Way Through A Recession?
Wondering whether you should cost cut your way through a recession or invest in your business to grow tomorrow? Why is it that companies which master the delicate balance between cost-cutting to survive today’s crisis and investment to grow tomorrow typically do better after a downturn? Here’s what you need to know.

What Exactly Is A Recession, and How Do You Protect Your Business?
A dwindling economy can have a devastating impact on businesses. What exactly is a recession and how can you protect your business? The first in series I will be writing over the summer and autumn to help female founders lead their business with confidence. Here’s what you need to know.