Case Study: Street Dance Academy
From freelance dance teacher to award winning business owner, Kerry has control of her life, and a healthy balance as a working mother.

Kerry had worked as a self-employed dance teacher since 2010 before making the decision to start Wannado Street Dance Academy in 2017. We started working together in January 2018 after Kerry got in touch to ask for my help becausedidn’t feel she had the business experience necessary to achieve her goals.
We started with three main goals:
Establish Wannado as the go to academy in the local area for street dance.
Generate sufficient revenue for Kerry to pay herself a liveable salary every month and build up a small cash surplus.
Employ an administrator to answer enquiries, arrange venues and manage the back office functions, something which can be time-intensive for a business like a dance studio.
A Strategic Approach
During our monthly coaching sessions, I followed a similar strategic planning process to the one I used as a Chief Executive. The aim was to answer the following four seemingly simple questions in order to come up with a strategic roadmap and action plan:
Where was Kerry’s business now?
Where was her business going?
Which actions would best support her in bridging the gap?
How would she measure progress towards that envisioned future?
The Results
Kerry’s strong work ethic, clear values and inspiring personality meant that she quickly achieved these goals and doubled her turnoverin 2018. This made her feel more confident about the future of the business. She entered the 2018 Adur & Worthing Business Awards and was awarded highly commended in the start-up category in a strong field of over two hundred entries.
Through 2019, Kerry’s business continued to grow, and she doubled her turnover again. Alongside traditional PR and marketing, Kerry planned showcases, presentations and specialist workshops as a way of raising awareness of her business. This meant that potential customers were able to see what her students had learnt and have a go themselves. In addition, she launched a competition crew for dancers who wanted to take their passion for the performing arts to the next level.
When COVID-19 hit, Kerry was able to pivot her business quickly and move it online. Schools being closed during the three lockdowns posed a real challenge, especially as some of her students struggled to engage with online classes. But because Kerry has built her business strong and safe, she’s weathered the crisis and used the time to develop new plans.
In Kerry’s Words
“I’ve been a full-time freelance dance teacher since 2010. I was always the ‘yes’ girl, taking every opportunity, regardless of if I was underselling myself or accepting work that did not fulfil me. Most of the time I was working hard for other people and living from inconsistent incomes here, there and everywhere to get by.
In 2015 I became a mother to my beautiful little girl. My whole life was tipped on its head. I felt overwhelmed being a working self-employed mother with very little support. I had lost my sense of independence and identity. It was then that I had to decide. To get a ‘normal’ job, or turn my passion into a business, with a business model that fitted my new lifestyle as a mum and had the potential to give me financial independence to support my new family.
In 2017, I took the bull by the horns and Wannado Street Dance Academy came to fruition. So many ideas, so much practical experience and knowledge in my craft, but absolutely no business experience. I was investing so much energy in multiple avenues, but the return and progress did not reflect the effort and time I was giving to my business.
With the limited available time I had, a business coach felt like the lifeline I needed to direct my efforts more efficiently and fill in the gaps of knowledge and experience that I was lacking.
I started working with Denyse Whillier, a highly experienced Business Consultant and former CEO, who educated me, and supported me in implementing systems and processes that transformed my passion into a reputable business.
Within 6 months, I had a healthy and consistent wage which reflected my value and supported my family. I continue to have a consistent cash flow, with a small team of people to facilitate efficient systems and operations.
I am no longer a freelance dance teacher. I am a business owner. I have control of my life, and I have a healthy balance as a working mother. I am consistently achieving goals and growing, all of which is a consequence to choosing the best person to assist at the very start of my journey.
Denyse has led me down the path of possibilities. The most valuable asset she brings to my business, has always been her wholesome and rounded approach to supporting my individual goals and desired lifestyle and assisting in building a sustainable and fulfilling business model which reflects my needs and circumstances. She has helped me build the best business for me with her extensive experience, and her empathy.
Denyse understands that not only can businesses be complicated, but so can life. Denyse listens, reacts, adapts and supports. Her enthusiasm for helping me as a fellow businesswoman, encourages me as a ‘complete and unique’ individual. She really is rooting for me, and her genuine investment in me as a person, whilst remaining incredibly professional, has led to the most positive business relationship I have had, and I am so appreciative to share my journey with her.
Denyse has countless years of experience to draw from and helps you to put practical and achievable goals in place to ensure you are:
On top of your finances.
In control of which direction your business is heading.
Actively working on increasing your sales and growing your business.
I cannot recommend Denyse enough. I urge you to let yourself grow and invest in someone who invests in you. Get the ball rolling with Denyse, I promise you, it will be the best thing you do today! “
You can find Wannado Street Dance here.
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